Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Decision Time!

Welcome to my new blog!

I plan on using this as a means to track my purchase, building and troubleshooting my new moped! With gas prices as high as they are, the temptation of having 100-150mpg is pretty appealing and this seems like a fun a rewarding way to go about it.

I decided to make my own motorized bicycle over purchasing one because of many factors. The main reason is because I'm the one who is going to maintain the bike, so I might as well understand every nut and bolt. I wanted to get experience in engines and mechanic work and figure this could be a great chance to understand how to do this maybe on a larger scale.

I was thinking about getting a scooter (Vespa, Yamaha) but decided against it mainly because of the value you get for the price. A Vespa looks really nice, and I may get one in the future, but that is money I don't have and really it would defeat my main drive to do this which was to save money.

My first (and maybe biggest) decision is what frame and motor to get. I've been reading a lot, and from what i can see, no matter what you decide, there is no one decision. There are trade-offs for everything in either ease of installation, aesthetics, and performance and reliability. I have some ideas and feel really hopeful so far.

I'm really looking forward to this and how rewarding this could be. Having a motor-assisted bike could end up being a very fun project! Save money on gas, get my hands dirty and learn a lot of helpful experience. Just hope it goes smoothly is all.

Wish me luck!


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